Where good idea come from - Serendipity

第四章 Serendipity - 机缘巧合



> In a sense, dreams are the mind’s primordial soup: the medium that facilitates the serendipitous collisions of creative insight. And hunches are like those early carbon atoms, seeking out new kinds of connections to help them build new chains and rings of innovation. 



> scientists believe that the sudden adoption of sex is also a kind of biological innovation strategy: in challenging times, an organism needs new ideas to meet those new challenges. Reproducing asexually makes perfect sense during prosperous periods: if life is good, keep doing what you’re doing. Don’t mess with success by introducing new genetic combinations. But when the world gets more challenging—scarce resources, predators, parasites—you need to innovate. And the quickest path to innovation lies in making novel connections. This strategy of switching back and forth between asexual and sexual reproduction goes by the name “heterogamy,” and while it is unusual, many different organisms have adopted it.



然后,作者引出了 Serendipity 的定义:

> serendipity is not just about embracing random encounters for the sheer exhilaration of it. Serendipity is built out of happy accidents, to be sure, but what makes them happy is the fact that the discovery you’ve made is meaningful to you. It completes a hunch, or opens up a door in the adjacent possible that you had overlooked.

并非任意随机的机遇都能称得上 Serendipity,而是那种对你有意味、开阔你的视野,让你能够完成某些 hunch 的机缘巧合。

实现 Serendipity 的方法:

1. 转换注意力(散步或者洗澡)

> The shower or stroll removes you from the task-based focus of modern life—paying bills, answering e-mail, helping kids with homework—and deposits you in a more associative state.



> While the creative walk can produce new serendipitous combinations of existing ideas in our heads, we can also cultivate serendipity in the way that we absorb new ideas from the outside world. Reading remains an unsurpassed vehicle for the transmission of interesting new ideas and perspectives.



> The problem with assimilating new ideas at the fringes of your daily routine is that the potential combinations are limited by the reach of your memory.


> One way around this limitation is to carve out dedicated periods where you read a large and varied collection of books and essays in a condensed amount of time. Bill Gates (and his successor at Microsoft, Ray Ozzie) are famous for taking annual reading vacations. During the year they deliberately cultivate a stack of reading material—much of it unrelated to their day-to-day focus at Microsoft—and then they take off for a week or two and do a deep dive into the words they’ve stockpiled.



其一,专利保护是否促进创新、促进 Serendipity 的产生。

> The premise that innovation prospers when ideas can serendipitously connect and recombine with other ideas, when hunches can stumble across other hunches that successfully fill in their blanks, may seem like an obvious truth, but the strange fact is that a great deal of the past two centuries of legal and folk wisdom about innovation has pursued the exact opposite argument, building walls between ideas, keeping them from the kind of random, serendipitous connections that exist in dreams and in the organic compounds of life. Ironically, those walls have been erected with the explicit aim of encouraging innovation.

专利的目的是维护发明者的经济利益,用这种奖励去激励人们创造更多。然而,专利为分享和应用这些发明创造建立了技术壁垒,阻碍了 Serendipity 的可能。

> When nature finds itself in need of new ideas, it strives to connect, not protect. 

其二,移动互联网、数字媒体的普及对人们阅读习惯的影响,对 Serendipity 产生是否造成障碍。作者认为媒体的变化,必然导致人的阅读习惯的变化(这点不容置疑,最简单的例子就是以往在纸上做读书笔记,而现在lofter 上写读书笔记:P)。


当然,这是一个开放的问题,其意义不在于讨论出一个确定的结论,而在于吸引人们对此进行关注和思考,根据自己的判断调整行为,由微观的个体行为,促进宏观人类社会的 Serendipity。



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