week4sense of Integrity

本周我们需要努力跟上不断变化的自我认知。本周的各项内容(文章、任务和经验),其目的都是为了帮助你进入更有效的自省,帮助你整合出新的自我认知。你可能会遇到点困难,但也会感到兴奋不已。注意:千万不要省去“reading deprivation”这个环节。


WORKING WITH THE MORNING pages, we begin to sort through the differences between our real feelings, which are often secret, and our official feelings, those on the record for public display. Official feelings are often indicated by the phrase, “I feel okay about that
In my years of watching people work with morning pages, I have noticed that many tend to neglect or abandon the pages whenever an unpleasant piece of clarity is about to emerge. If we are, for example, very, very angry but not admitting it, then we will be tempted to say we feel “okay about that.”
通常我们都用公式化——表现给别人看的——的感觉来掩盖真实。公式化的感觉的标志就是“我觉得还行”。坚持写Morining pages,我们会逐渐明白自己的真实感受是怎样的。
多年来,我一直在观察写 Morning page 的人们,我发现,很多人无论何时,一旦出现任何令人不悦的清晰,他们就否定或放弃写 Morning page。例如,如果我们非常愤怒,但不去承认,那我们就会倾向于说,我们觉得“还可以”。

That’s another way of saying that in order to have self-expression, we must first have a self to express. That is the business of the morning pages: “I, myself, feel this way … and that way … and this way…. No one else need agree with me, but this is what I feel.”
也就是说,如果你想表达自己,首先你得具备要表达的“自我”。这就是 Morinig pages 的作用:“我,自己,觉得……这样……那样……不需要别人认同,只是我自己的感觉。”

The process of identifying a self inevitably involves loss as well as gain. We discover our boundaries, and those boundaries by definition separate us from our fellows. As we clarify our perceptions, we lose our misconceptions. As we eliminate ambiguity, we lose illusion as well. We arrive at clarity, and clarity creates change.

The more difficult truth is that creativity is grounded in reality, in the particular, the focused, the well observed or specifically imagined.
As we lose our vagueness about our self, our values, our life situation, we become available to the moment. It is there, in the particular, that we contact the creative self. Until we experience the freedom of solitude, we cannot connect authentically.
Art lies in the moment of encounter: we meet our truth and we meet ourselves; we meet ourselves and we meet our self-expression. We become original because we become something specific: an origin from which work flows.


As recovering creatives, we often have to excavate our own pasts for the shards of buried dreams and delights. Do a little digging, please. Be fast and frivolous. This is an exercise in spontaneity, so be sure to write your answers out quickly. Speed kills the Censor.
在回复创造力的过程中,我们得经常“挖掘”被我们尘封的梦想和快乐,快而敏捷地。本项主要是要锻炼你的自发性,所以务必迅速写出答案,用速度击败内部的 Censor。

  1. List five hobbies that sound fun. 列出5个你觉得有趣的爱好。
  2. List five classes that sound fun. 列出5个你觉得有趣的类别。
  3. List five things you personally would never do that sound fun. 列出5个你觉得有趣,但你自己绝不会去做的5件事。
  4. List five skills that would be fun to have. 列出5个你觉得如果掌握了会很好玩的技能。
  5. List five things you used to enjoy doing. 列出5个你一贯很喜欢做的事情。
  6. List five silly things you would like to try once. 列出5个你想尝试一次的傻事。

####Reading deprivation

Reading deprivation casts us into our inner silence, a space some of us begin to immediately fill with new words—long, gossipy conversations, television bingeing, the radio as a constant, chatty companion. We often cannot hear our own inner voice, the voice of our artist’s inspiration, above the static.
Reading deprivation 将我们置身于内心的寂静空间,我们有可能很快就用新的言语将其充满——冗长、八卦的对话、无节制地看电视、听广播、跟朋友闲聊。我们经常听不到自己内心的声音,听不到悬于静止之上的、内心艺术性灵感的声音。

For most artists, words are like tiny tranquilizers. We have a daily quota of media chat that we swallow up. Like greasy food, it clogs our system. Too much of it and we feel, yes, fried.
It is a paradox that by emptying our lives of distractions we are actually filling the well. Without distractions, we are once again thrust into the sensory world.


  1. Environment: Describe your ideal environment. Town? Country? Swank? Cozy? One paragraph. One image, drawn or clipped, that conveys this. What’s your favorite season? Why? Go through some magazines and find an image of this. Or draw it. Place it near your working area.
  2. Time Travel: Describe yourself at eighty. What did you do after fifty that you enjoyed? Be very specific. Now, write a letter from you at eighty to you at your current age. What would you tell yourself? What interests would you urge yourself to pursue? What dreams would you encourage?
  3. Time Travel: Remember yourself at eight. What did you like to do? What were your favorite things? Now, write a letter from you at eight to you at your current age. What would you tell yourself?
  4. Environment: Look at your house. Is there any room that you could make into a secret, private space for yourself? Convert the TV room? Buy a screen or hang a sheet and cordon off a section of some other room? This is your dream area. It should be decorated for fun and not as an office. All you really need is a chair or pillow, something to write on, some kind of little altar area for flowers and candles. This is to help you center on the fact that creativity is a spiritual, not an ego, issue.
  5. Use your life pic (from Week One) to review your growth. Has that nasty tarantula changed shape yet? Haven’t you been more active, less rigid, more expressive? Be careful not to expect too much too soon. That’s raising the jumps. Growth must have time to solidify into health. One day at a time, you are building the habit patterns of a healthy artist. Easy does do it. List ongoing self-nurturing toys you could buy your artist: books on tape, magazine subscriptions, theater tickets, a bowling ball.
    翻翻第一周的 life pic,看看自己的成长。蜘蛛网状的指示图有变化了么?你是否变得更积极、变通、善于表达?别期望会很快改变很多。我们得慢慢提高,扎实地成长。总有一天,我们会形成健康的习惯,慢慢来。列出你可以为内心的艺术家买的提供滋养的玩物:书、音乐、杂志、演出或者舞会。
  6. Write your own Artist’s Prayer. (See pages 207-208.) Use it every day for a week.
    写下你自己的 Artist prayer(第207到208页),每天诵读。
  7. An Extended Artist Date: Plan a small vacation for yourself. (One weekend day. Get ready to execute it.)
    Artist Date 升级版: 为自己安排一个短暂的休假(比如周末游)。
  8. pen your closet. Throw out—or hand on, or donate—one low-self-worth outfit. (You know the outfit.) Make space for the new.
  9. Look at one situation in your life that you feel you should change but haven’t yet. What is the payoff for you in staying stuck?
  10. If you break your reading deprivation, write about how you did it. In a tantrum? A slipup? A binge? How do you feel about it? Why?
    如果你打破了 reading deprivation,那写下你都怎么做的。发脾气?犯错?放纵?你对此怎么看?为什么?


  1. How many days this week did you do your morning pages? Seven out of seven, we always hope. How was the experience for you?

    本周你写了多少天的 Moring pages?
  2. Did you do your artist date this week? Yes, of course, we always hope. And yet artist dates can be remarkably difficult to allow yourself. What did you do? How did it feel?
本周你给自己安排 Artist Date 了么?一般挺难按自己的心意安排想要的Artist date 。
  1. Did you experience any synchronicity this week? What was it?

  2. Were there any other issues this week that you consider significant for your recovery? Describe them.

    除此之外,这周你发现什么对你恢复创造力影响重大的问题么?如果有,就在 checkin 中描述

摘录来自: Julia Cameron. “The Artist’s Way”。 iBooks.

我们将在最近开始 “_Aritist’s Way circle _”(暂定名)的活动圈子,跟朋友们一起进行恢复创造力的学习。

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