Week2: Recovering a Sense of Identity


#####Poisionous playmates


Blocked friends may find your recovery disturbing. Your getting unblocked raises the unsettling possibility that they, too, could become unblocked and move into authentic creative risks rather than bench-sitting cynicism. Be alert to subtle sabotage from friends. You cannot afford their well-meaning doubts right now. Their doubts will reactivate your own. Be particularly alert to any suggestion that you have become selfish or different. (These are red-alert words for us. They are attempts to leverage us back into our old ways for the sake of someone else’s comfort, not our own.)”

对于那些仍然处于 creative block 的朋友来说,看到你正在找回创造力,会令他们感到不安。他们本来也可以不用整天愤世嫉俗,而勇敢承担风险,找回创造力的。你得小心来自这种朋友的潜在破坏。目前,你还无法应付他们善意的怀疑,这只会引起你的自我怀疑。一定得警惕那些说你变了、说你自私的建议。(务定高度警惕这些字眼,他们试图用这些字眼,逼迫我们变回原样。这些建议只是为了让其他人舒服而非我们自己。)

“Often, creativity is blocked by our falling in with other people’s plans for us. We want to set aside time for our creative work, but we feel we should do something else instead. As blocked creatives, we focus not on our responsibilities to ourselves, but on our responsibilities to others. We tend to think such behavior makes us good people. It doesn’t. It makes us frustrated people.”


我们身边常有这样的人,他们通常光鲜迷人、令人难以抗拒或者极具说服力。他们常把周边的所有人都变成陪衬,很自然地索取和利用周边的一切。他们长于制造问题,但却很少能提出很好的解决办法。作者提醒正试图恢复创造力的艺术家们,务必远离这样的人,他们将掌控你的生活,占用和分散你大量的精力。具体说来,Julia 认为 “CrazyMaker”有如下特点:

  1. Crazymakers break deals and destroy schedules. 他们不守约定和时间安排。
  2. Crazymakers expect special treatment. 他们希望获得特殊对待。
  3. Crazymakers discount your reality. 他们无视你的实际情况。不管你是不是有任务赶着完成,或者是不是正在忙。
  4. Crazymakers spend your time and money. 他们占用你的时间和金钱。
  5. Crazymakers triangulate those they deal with. 他们经常挑拨你和别人的关系。
  6. Crazymakers are expert blamers. 他们很善于推卸责任,指责他人。所有的问题都不是他们的错,都是别人的问题。
  7. Crazymakers create dramas—but seldom where they belong. 他们经常制造一些不合时宜的、小题大做的情形。因为,他们有些人本身也是出于创造力受阻的状态。你的进展会让他们感到嫉妒。
  8. Crazymakers hate schedules—except their own. 除了他们自己的计划安排,他们讨厌遵守其他人的任何安排。
  9. Crazymakers hate order. Chaos serves their purposes. 他们讨厌秩序,因为混乱才能让他们趁机达成自己的目的。
  10. Crazymakers deny that they are crazymakers. 他们绝不承认自己是这样的人。

    If you are involved now with a crazymaker, it is very important that you admit this fact. Admit that you are being used—and admit that you are using your own abuser. Your crazymaker is a block you chose yourself, to deter you from your own trajectory. As much as you are being exploited by your crazymaker, you, too, are using that person to block your creative flow.



#####Attention 注意细节

Very often, a creative block manifests itself as an addiction to fantasy. Rather than working or living the now, we spin our wheels and indulge in daydreams of could have, would have, should have. One of the great misconceptions about the artistic life is that it entails great swathes of aimlessness. The truth is that a creative life involves great swathes of attention. Attention is a way to connect and survive.


The truth is, we all knew how she stood it. She stood it by standing knee-deep in the flow of life and paying close attention.


My grandmother knew what a painful life had taught her: success or failure, the truth of a life really has little to do with its quality. The quality of life is in proportion, always, to the capacity for delight. The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention.


The reward for attention is always healing. It may begin as the healing of a particular pain—the lost lover, the sickly child, the shattered dream. But what is healed, finally, is the pain that underlies all pain: the pain that we are all, as Rilke phrases it, “unutterably alone.” More than anything else, attention is an act of connection.

想。 最终它会治愈所有痛苦的根源:每个人都有的痛苦,就像 Rilke 说的那样,“无法形容的孤独。”

This is no coincidence. It may be different for others, but pain is what it took to teach me to pay attention. In times of pain, when the future is too terrifying to contemplate and the past too painful to remember, I have learned to pay attention to right now. The precise moment I was in was always the only safe place for me. Each moment, taken alone, was always bearable. In the exact now, we are all, always, all right.




In order to be an artist, I must:

  1. Show up at the page. Use the page to rest, to dream, to try. 每天写 Morning pages,用它来放松、做梦和尝试。
  2. Fill the well by caring for my artist. 善待自己内心的艺术家,这样才能充实创造的力量。
  3. Set small and gentle goals and meet them. 设定一些小的、温和的目标,然后逐一实现。
  4. Pray for guidance, courage, and humility. 祈祷获得指引、勇气和谦逊。
  5. Remember that it is far harder and more painful to be a blocked artist than it is to do the work. 记住比起做这些训练,创造力受阻要艰难痛苦多了。
  6. Be alert, always, for the presence of the Great Creator leading and helping my artist. 保持清醒,伟大的造物主会引领和帮助我们内心的艺术家。
  7. Choose companions who encourage me to do the work, not just talk about doing the work or why I am not doing the work. 选择那些鼓励你、支持你的同伴,而不是反复讨论正在做什么,为什么要这么做。
  8. Remember that the Great Creator loves creativity. 记住,造物主喜欢创造力。
  9. Remember that it is my job to do the work, not judge the work. 记住,我们的任务只是去做,而不是横加批判。
  10. Place this sign in my workplace: Great Creator, I will take care of the quantity. You take care of the quality. 把下面这句话写下来,放在工作的地方:Great Creator,我来保证数量,你来保证质量。


  1. Affirmative Reading: Every day, morning and night, get quiet and focused and read the Basic Principles to yourself (See page 3.) Be alert for any attitudinal shifts. Can you see yourself setting aside any skepticism yet?

肯定性阅读:每天早上和晚上的时候,安静下来专心读前面列过的基本原则(Basic Principles). 一定要警惕自己态度上的任何转变。你现在有任何的自我怀疑的想法么?

  1. Where does your time go? List your five major activities this week. How much time did you give to each one? Which were what you wanted to do and which were shoulds? How much of your time is spent helping others and ignoring your own desires? Have any of your blocked friends triggered doubts in you?
    Take a sheet of paper. Draw a circle. Inside that circle, place topics you need to protect. Place the names of those you find to be supportive. Outside the circle, place the names of those you must be self-protective around just now. Place this safety map near where you write your morning pages. Use this map to support your autonomy. Add names to the inner and outer spheres as appropriate: “Oh! Derek is somebody I shouldn’t talk to about this right now.”

    在圈外写下你应当保护自己不受他们影响的人。把这张纸放到你每天写 Morning pages 的书桌
  2. List twenty things you enjoy doing (rock climbing, roller-skating, baking pies, making soup, making love, making love again, riding a bide, riding a horse, playing catch, shooting baskets, going for a run, reading poetry, and so forth). When was the last time you let yourself do these things? Next to each entry, place a date. Don’t be surprised if it’s been years for some of your favorites. That will change. This list is an excellent resource for artist dates.

    可以把它们都安排到 Artist Date中,每周做一件。
  3. From the list above, write down two favorite things that you’ve avoided that could be this week’s goals. These goals can be small: buy one roll of film and shoot it. Remember, we are trying to win you some autonomy with your time. Look for windows of time just for you, and use them in small creative acts. Get to the record store at lunch hour, even if only for fifteen minutes. Stop looking for big blocks of time when you will be free. Find small bits of time instead.

  4. Dip back into Week One and read the affirmations. Note which ones cause the most reaction. Often the one that sounds the most ridiculous is the most significant. Write three chosen affirmations five times each day in your morning pages; be sure to include the affirmations you made yourself from your blurts.

    翻回去看第一周的那些肯定性座右铭。 看看哪些条对你影响最大。通常那种听起来最荒谬的反
    而是影响最大的。把你挑出来的三条,每天都在 Morning pages 里每条写5遍;尤其别忘了包
  5. Return to the list of imaginary lives from last week. Add five more lives. Again, check to see if you could be doing bits and pieces of these lives in the one you are living now. If you have listed a dancer’s life, do you let yourself go dancing? If you have listed a monk’s life, are you ever allowed to go on a retreat? If you are a scuba diver, is there an aquarium shop you can visit? A day at the lake you could schedule?

  6. Life Pie: Draw a circle. Divide it into six pieces of pie. Label one piece spirituality, another exercise, another play, and so on with work, friends, and romance/ adventure. Place a dot in each slice at the degree to which you are fulfilled in that area (outer rim indicates great; inner circle, not so great). Connect the dots. This will show you where you are lopsided. As you begin the course, it is not uncommon for your life pie to look like a tarantula. As recovery progresses, your tarantula may become a mandala. Working with this tool, you will notice that there are areas of your life that feel impoverished and on which you spend little or no time. Use the time tidbits you are finding to alter this.
    If your spiritual life is minimal, even a five-minute pit stop into a synagogue or cathedral can restore a sense of wonder. Many of us find that five minutes of drum music can put us in touch with our spiritual core. For others, it’s a trip to a greenhouse. The point is that even the slightest attention to our impoverished areas can nurture them.

    每 一片写下你觉得自己做到了几分,用点标注(越靠近边缘代表做得越好,靠近圆心代表不那么
  7. Ten Tiny Changes: List ten changes you’d like to make for yourself, from the significant to the small or vice versa (“get new sheets so I have another set, go to China, paint my kitchen, dump my bitchy friend Alice”). Do it this way:
    I would like to __.
    I would like to __.
    As the morning pages nudge us increasingly into the present, where we pay attention to our current lives, a small shift like a newly painted bathroom can yield a luxuriously large sense of self-care.

    的(“换新床单、去中国、粉刷厨房、跟 Alice 绝交”)。按下列格式把这些想法列出来:
    随着Morningpags 促进我们关注当下的生活,像仅仅粉刷下浴室这样的小改变,也会让我们感
  8. Select one small item and make it a goal for this week.

  9. Now do that item.



  1. How many days this week did you do your morning pages? Seven out of seven, we always hope. How was the experience for you?

    本周你写了多少天的 Moring pages?
  2. Did you do your artist date this week? Yes, of course, we always hope. And yet artist dates can be remarkably difficult to allow yourself. What did you do? How did it feel?
本周你给自己安排 Artist Date 了么?一般挺难按自己的心意安排想要的Artist date 。
  1. Were there any other issues this week that you consider significant for your recovery? Describe them.

    除此之外,这周你发现什么对你恢复创造力影响重大的问题么?如果有,就在 checkin 中描述

摘录来自: Julia Cameron. “The Artist’s Way”。 iBooks.

我们将在最近开始 “_Aritist’s Way circle _”(暂定名)的活动圈子,跟朋友们一起进行恢复创造力的学习。

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