Week1:Sense of Safety-Tasks


  1. Every morning, set your clock one-half hour early; get up and write three pages of longhand, stream-of-consciousness morning writing. Do not reread these pages or allow anyone else to read them. Ideally, stick these pages in a large manila envelope, or hide them somewhere. Welcome to the morning pages. They will change you.
    This week, please be sure to work with your affirmations of choice and your blurts at the end of each day’s morning pages. Convert all blurts into positive affirmations.

    每天早上早起一个半小时,写三页意识流的 Morning pages。记住,任何人、包括你自己都不能
    看这些 Morning Pages。最好是把它们放到大信封里粘上封口,或者藏在别的地方。欢迎你开始写 
    MPS,它将改变你,注意每天 MPS 结尾,要像前面介绍的那样用自我肯定,替代潜意识负面思维。
  1. Take yourself on an artist date. You will do this every week for the duration of the course. A sample artist date: take five dollars and go to your local five-and-dimc. Buy silly things like gold stick-em stars, tiny dinosaurs, some postcards, sparkly sequins, glue, a kid’s scissors, crayons. You might give yourself a gold star on your envelope each day you write. Just for fun.

    给自己安排一个 artist date。在整个Artist's way 的练习过程中,请每周都为自己安排一个
    artist date。就是去做些自己感兴趣的事情,比如去5元店买些挺傻的东西,像金色的星星魔法棒,
  2. . Time Travel: List three old enemies of your creative self-worth. Please be as specific as possible in doing this exercise. Your historic monsters are the building blocks of your core negative beliefs. (Yes, rotten Sister Ann Rita from fifth grade does count, and the rotten thing she said to you does matter. Put her in.) This is your monster hall of fame. More monsters will come to you as you work through your recovery. It is always necessary to acknowledge creative injuries and grieve them. Otherwise, they become creative scar tissue and block your growth.

    建的纪念馆。在 Artistway 的练习过程中,你会把越来越多的负面信念放进来。我们必须知道我们
  3. Time Travel: Select and write out one horror story from your monster hall of fame. You do not need to write long or much, but do jot down whatever details come back to you—the room you were in, the way people looked at you, the way you felt, what your parent said or didn’t say when you told about it. Include whatever rankles you about the incident: “And then I remember she gave me this real fakey smile and patted my head….”
    You may find it cathartic to draw a sketch of your old monster or to clip out an image that evokes the incident for you. Cartoon trashing your monster, or at least draw a nice red Xthrough it.

  4. Write a letter to the editor in your defense. Mail it to yourself. It is great fun to write this letter in the voice of your wounded artist child: “To whom it may concern: Sister Ann Rita is a jerk and has pig eyes and I can too spell!”

  5. Time Travel: List three old champions of your creative self-worth. This is your hall of champions, those who wish you and your creativity well. Be specific. Every encouraging word counts. Even if you disbelieve a compliment, record it. It may well be true.
    If you are stuck for compliments, go back through your time-travel log and look for positive memories. When, where, and why did you feel good about yourself? Who gave you affirmation?
    Additionally, you may wish to write the compliment out and decorate it. Post it near where you do your morning pages or on the dashboard of your car. I put mine on the chassis of my computer to cheer me as I write.

    另外,你也可以将恭维的话写下来,简单装饰一下,贴在写 Morning pages 的书桌附近,或者你
  6. Time Travel: Select and write out one happy piece of encouragement. Write a thank-you letter. Mail it to yourself or to the long-lost mentor.

  7. Imaginary Lives: If you had five other lives to lead, what would you do in each of them? I would be a pilot, a cowhand, a physicist, a psychic, a monk. You might be a scuba diver, a cop, a writer of children’s books, a football player, a belly dancer, a painter, a performance artist, a history teacher, a healer, a coach, a scientist, a doctor, a Peace Corps worker, a psychologist, a fisherman, a minister, an auto mechanic, a carpenter, a sculptor, a lawyer, a painter, a computer hacker, a soap-opera star, a country singer, a rock-and-roll drummer. Whatever occurs to you, jot it down. Do not overthink this exercise.
    The point of these lives is to have fun in them— more fun than you might be having in this one. Look over your list and select one. Then do it this week. For instance, if you put down country singer, can you pick a guitar? If you dream of being a cowhand, what about some horseback riding?

  8. . In working with affirmations and blurts, very often injuries and monsters swim back to us. Add these to your list as they occur to you. Work with each blurt individually. Turn each negative into an affirmative positive.

  9. Take your artist for a walk, the two of you. A brisk twenty-minute walk can dramatically alter consciousness.



You will do check-ins every week. If you are running your creative week Sunday to Sunday, do your check-ins each Saturday. Remember that this recovery is yours. What you think is important, and it will become increasingly interesting to you as you progress. You may want to do check-ins in your morning-pages notebook. It’s best to answer by hand and allow about twenty minutes to respond. The purpose of check-ins is to give you a journal of your creative journey. It is my hope that you will later share the tools with others and in doing so find your own notes invaluable: “Yes, I was mad in week four. I loved week five….”

你应当每周回顾一下一周计划完成情况。在 Artist way 训练进行的过程中,你会慢慢找出什么事对自
己重要的事情,在整个进展中,你会对它越来越感兴趣。推荐你在写 Morning pages 的笔记本上做
check-in 的回顾,这样可以很快捷地完成回顾,并且也能够让你记录下自己一路找回创造力的历程。
Julia 希望大家随后会跟其他人分享 Artist way 的工具,那时候你会发现自己的日记本非常有用。

Checkin 要检查的内容如下:

  1. How many days this week did you do your morning pages? Seven out of seven, we always hope. How was the experience for you?

    1. 本周你写了多少天的 Moring pages?
  2. Did you do your artist date this week? Yes, of course, we always hope. And yet artist dates can be remarkably difficult to allow yourself. What did you do? How did it feel?
2. 本周你给自己安排 Artist Date 了么?一般挺难按自己的心意安排想要的Artist date 。
  1. Were there any other issues this week that you consider significant for your recovery? Describe them.

    3. 除此之外,这周你发现什么对你恢复创造力影响重大的问题么?如果有,就在 checkin 中描述

摘录来自: Julia Cameron. “The Artist’s Way”。 iBooks.

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