Week1:Sense of Safety-Enemy and Ally Within

####Your Enemy Within: Core negative beliefs
很多时候,我们不采取行动,只是因为维持现状更安逸。尽管维持现状并不快乐,但我们更害怕未知的境况。因此,我们选择保持现状,往往不是经过思考而做的决定;它其实是我们对内心的消极信念的不自觉回应。The Artist Way 开始的几周的练习内容主要就是帮助你识别这些消极的信念,摆脱它们的束缚。

Negative beliefs are exactly that: beliefs, not facts. The world was never flat, although everyone believed it was. You are not dumb, crazy, egomaniacal, grandiose, or silly just because you falsely believe yourself to be.


Your block doesn’t want you to see that. Its whole plan of attack is to make you irrationally afraid of some dire outcome you are too embarrassed to even mention. You know rationally that writing or painting shouldn’t be put off because of your silly fear, but because it is a silly fear, you don’t air it and the block stays intact. In this way, “You’re a bad speller” successfully overrides all computer spelling programs. You know it’s dumb to worry about spelling … so you don’t mention it. And since you don’t, it continues to block you from finding a solution. (Spelling fear is a remarkably common block.)

Creative block 并不希望你明白这点。它的目的就是让你毫无理由地害怕,觉得即使仅仅讲一下你的想

####Your Ally Within: Affirmative weapons
甭管是不是 阿Q精神,你总有需要自己给自己打气的时候。自我肯定可以帮我们找回安全感和希望,气势上有了,事情也就成功了一半了。

Just try picking an affirmation. For example “I, __ (your name), am a brilliant and prolific potter [painter, poet, or whatever you are].” Write that ten times in a row. While you are busy doing that, something very interesting will happen. Your Censor will start to object. “Hey, wait a minute. You can’t say all that positive stuff around me.” Objections will start to pop up like burnt toast. These are your blurts.


You will be amazed at the rotten things your subconscious will blurt out. Write them down. These blurts flag your personal negative core beliefs. They hold the key to your freedom in their ugly little claws. Make a list of your personal blurts.


下面我们来看一个Julia 给出的自我肯定的列表:


  1. I am a channel for God’s creativity, and my work comes to good.
  2. My dreams come from God and God has the power to accomplish them.
  3. As I create and listen, I will be led.
  4. Creativity is the creator’s will for me.
  5. My creativity heals myself and others.
  6. I am allowed to nurture my artist.
  7. Through the use of a few simple tools, my creativity will flourish.
  8. Through the use of my creativity, I serve God.
  9. My creativity always leads me to truth and love.
  10. My creativity leads me to forgiveness and self-forgiveness.
  11. There is a divine plan of goodness for me.
  12. There is a divine plan of goodness for my work.
  13. As I listen to the creator within, I am led.
  14. As I listen to my creativity I am led to my creator.
  15. I am willing to create.
  16. I am willing to learn to let myself create.
  17. I am willing to let God create through me.
  18. I am willing to be of service through my creativity.
  19. I am willing to experience my creative energy.
  20. I am willing to use my creative talents.

摘录来自: Julia Cameron. “The Artist’s Way”。 iBooks.

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