Week1:Recovering a sense of Safety


####Shadow Artist
很多有创造潜能的人,由于很少得到鼓励和支持,而没有机会培养和发展自己的创造力,以至于他们根本不认为自己是艺术家。Julia 称他们为“Shadow Artist”,即隐藏的艺术家。究竟是什么原因造成这些人无法认识真正的自我呢?

Parents seldom respond, “Try it and see what happens” to artistic urges issuing from their offspring. They offer cautionary advice where support might be more to the point. Timid young artists, adding parental fears to their own, often give up their sunny dreams of artistic careers, settling into the twilight world of could-have-beens and regrets. There, caught between the dream of action and the fear of failure, shadow artists are born.


####Your Enemy Within: Core negative beliefs
很多时候,我们不采取行动,只是因为维持现状更安逸。尽管维持现状并不快乐,但我们更害怕未知的境况。因此,我们选择保持现状,往往不是经过思考而做的决定;它其实是我们对内心的消极信念的不自觉回应。The Artist Way 开始的几周的练习内容主要就是帮助你识别这些消极的信念,拜托它们的束缚。

Negative beliefs are exactly that: beliefs, not facts. The world was never flat, although everyone believed it was. You are not dumb, crazy, egomaniacal, grandiose, or silly just because you falsely believe yourself to be.




  1. Every morning, set your clock one-half hour early; get up and write three pages of longhand, stream-of-consciousness morning writing. Do not reread these pages or allow anyone else to read them. Ideally, stick these pages in a large manila envelope, or hide them somewhere. Welcome to the morning pages. They will change you.
    This week, please be sure to work with your affirmations of choice and your blurts at the end of each day’s morning pages. Convert all blurts into positive affirmations.

    每天早上早起一个半小时,写三篇意识流的 Morning pages。记住,任何人、包括你自己都不能
    看这些 Morning Pages。最好是把它们粘到大信封里,或者藏在别的地方。欢迎你开始写 MPS,
    它将改变你,注意每天 MPS 结尾,要进行前面介绍的用自我肯定,替代潜意识负面思维。


摘录来自: Julia Cameron. “The Artist’s Way”。 iBooks.

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