Artist's way可以带来什么收获

  1. 在坚持morning pages 和 artist date 的过程中,我们必然会经历到因各种原因而产生退却:

    This choppy growth phase is followed by a strong urge to abandon the process and return to life as we know it. I call this a creative U-turn. Following this, the final phase of the course is characterized by a new sense of self marked by increased autonomy, resilience, expectancy, and excitement—as well as by the capacity to make and execute concrete creative plans.

    起伏不定的生活必定会促使我们想要放弃挑战的过程,退回到熟悉的生活中去。Julia Cameron 称
    之为U-turn。再度返回 Artist’s way 时,人们将变得更加自律、具有更高的复原能力、自我期望

  1. 在这个过程中,我们必然会遭遇我们放弃的那个梦想中的自己,会伤心、痛苦。

    We begin to excavate our buried dreams. Some of our dreams are very volatile, and the mere act of brushing them off sends an enormous surge of energy bolting through our denial system. Such grief! Such loss! Such pain! It is at this point in the recovery process that we make what Robert Bly calls a “descent into ashes.” We mourn the self we abandoned. We greet this self as we might greet a lover at the end of a long and costly war.

    悲哀!失去了这么多!多么痛苦!这个过程就是 Robert Bly 说的“低落到尘埃里”。我们哀悼亲

    To effect a creative recovery, we must undergo a time of mourning. In dealing with the suicide of the “nice” self we have been making do with, we find a certain amount of grief to be essential. Our tears prepare the ground for our future growth. Without this creative moistening, we may remain barren. We must allow the bolt of pain to strike us. Remember, this is useful pain; lightning illuminates.


    摘录来自: Julia Cameron. “The Artist’s Way”。 iBooks.

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