Writing Down the Bones





《writing down the bones》里写道,作者写下的文字,只是在当时当刻,文字与心中所想联结起来,于是一挥而就,写完之后就再也回不到那一刻,作者时时刻刻都在变:

The problem is we think we exist. We think our worlds are permanent and solid and stamp us forever. That’s not true. We write in the moment. Sometimes when I read poems at a reading to strangers, I realize they think those poems are me. They are not me, even if I speak in the I person. They were my thoughts and my hand and the space and the emotions at that time of writing. Watch yourself . Every minute we change. It is a great opportunity.


So much depends on it because poems are small moments of enlightment at that moment the wheel barrow just as it was woke willianms up and was everything.
Learn to recall images and lines precisely as the writer said them.


《writing down the bones》里还有一段说到,细节很重要,细节会让我们描述的世界很真实。同时,仅仅罗列细节是不够的,就像做饭一样,我们准备好了原料,但如果不烹调,而只是将原材料混合起来,是不会得到想要做的菜品的。必须进行加工,使其产生化学反应一样的嬗变。




Writers live twice. They go with their regular life, are as fast as anyone int the grocery store, crossing the street, getting dressed for work in the morning. But there’s another part of them that they have been training. The one that lives everything a second time. That sits down and sees their life again and goes over it. Looks like the texture and details.

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